Start to play Subbuteo
Easy to learn but hard to master: Subbuteo is an exciting miniature Table Football game. My website “Flicking Forever” is dedicated to teach rules and playing techniques to all beginners.

Foldable DIY Subbuteo table
Check out Flicking Forever’s step-by-step tutorial for this smart and foldable Subbuteo table. Read more

Subbuteo meets Big data
Where are the best positions for scoring goals? My exclusive analysis of 500+ goal shots from top players. Read more
DIY: Subbuteo Makery
Table Football Talk:

“The World Cup is always a challenging event”
Steve Dettre describes his aims as FISTF president, how Subbuteo Table Football has developed in the past years and he takes a look at the upcoming World Cup 2018 which takes place in Gibraltar. Read more

“Without offspring, Table Soccer has no future”
Hermann Kruse teaches kids to play Subbuteo. He talks about the challenges of youth work in Australia, his commitment in the Subbuteo world and his plans are after moving back to Germany. Read more

“All the teams I own are well played and loved.“
Stathis Tsolis from gives insights into his production process, explains how table football has become more than a hobby and why polishing your bases can make the difference. Read more

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